
Auto object tracking module (including SD version and HD version) is a device that tracks the static/moving target in the complex background of UAV and other high-speed moving platforms on a real-time basis.
The tracking module could perfectly process the image affine transformation caused by the high speed movement of the platform, as well as the panning, zooming and rotation of the target.
The device consists of two circuit boards,with the smallest volume, lightest weight and lowest power consumption in the industry. Outstanding real-time processing capability and extensibility also make the device easily integrate into the photoelectric pod,gimbal and other systems.

Please notice that AOTM can only work with YANGDA gimbal and zoom cameras.


1)Size:38mm x 38 mm x 16mm
2)Adapt to image affine transformation caused by high speed movement
3)Adapt to target panning, zooming, rotation and partial occlusion
4)Adapt to illumination variation
5)SD video or HD HDMI video input supported
6)TIFF card storage



Download AOTM Datasheet



